• Know Your Rights

    Senn High School is committed to protecting students and their families.

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    Taller De Inmigración Conozca Sus Derechos

    Únase al Consejo Asesor de Padres de Senn High School para un taller de Conozca sus

    Derechos facilitado en Español.

    Usted aprenderá cómo protegerse y proteger a su familia.

    Aunque no tengas estatus legal, ¡tienes derechos!

    JUEVES, 20 DE FEBRERO 2025

    5-6 PM


    SALA 115

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    Know Your Rights Workshop

    Join Senn High School's Parent Advisory Council for a Know Your Rights workshop facilitated in Spanish.

    You will learn how to protect yourself and your family.

    Even if you do not have legal status, you have rights!

    Thursday, February 20, 2025

    5-6 PM

    Senn High School

    Room 115